Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Crossroads

Being in a long distance relationship is something that should have not bothered me ...besides, people are going to mock us because it's only 154kms , 2.5 hours away.......  But being in a long distance relationship with you, is something i've avoided to even imagine about.... but it's not about a distance that i'm afraid of

after 4,5 years being in one city... and seeing each other barely 24/7 ... finally we are in a crossroads within our path of lives. yours mine and ours.
It's like saying temporary goodbye... taking different path ... with one goal ... but still we can see each other from the distance...

people says, a long distance relationship is something very possible nowadays, with all sophisticated technology thanks to all-hail-genius-engineers all over the world...

But sometimes beyond those borderless situation, we comes back to the fact that a human heart is not that sophisticated to be compatible with the technology

Some people says Distance Could Never Separate Two Heart that Really Cares. It also true indeed, distance related to the condition, if the heart already in the stage of unconditional love, then it is true as it can be,, that distance should never be a problem...

but having a long distance relationship with you is different ....something that at the first time i thought wouldn't bother me a lot, become something that could drive me crazy in every way....

But.. as we also live another life .... this a crossroads that we have to take ... maybe a last crossroads before we have our own high way ...

I'm not complaining ...I just want to say that,,, I'm glad that i have to be in the crossroads .... taking a distance from you.. to remind me that you are important ... to teach us how not to become a couple that dragging each other to each other way.. to be able being in one path.....

So i praise every second of this distance ... to once again reminded why i love you... why i miss you .. why we need each other.......

Monday, May 06, 2013

Hi' Permisi Permisi I'm Back

Hai Hai... it's been so longggggg banget sumpah nulis nulis disini ya....

Banyak banget kejadian hidup gw yang terlewatkan , tapi sempat berbagi disini....
Setelah kemarin kehilangan passion menulis dan berbagi akhirnya tiba-tiba ketemu seseorang yang menegaskan kepada gw bahwasanya bakat terpendam gw adalah menulis :) dan gw pun tergelitik buat minimal rajin nulis lagi di blog ini....

Banyak banget de yang pengen gw ceritain,, setelah selama 2 tahun terakhir ini, kalo depan laptop itu selalu bukanya ms word, powerpoint atau excel ...hahaha demi menambah gelar dibelakang nama, setelah selesai sama drama kuliah s2, thesis dan tentu revisi nya, akhirnya gw punya waktu luang lagi (pembenaran diri sebagai pengangguran baru)

Hmm... kira- kira postingan apa ya yang pantes pertama gw share disini, sebagai pembuka puasa blog ini?
cerita soal cinta-cinta an lagi kah? soal perjalanan menyelesaikan s2 kah? atau shifting selera hidup gw terutama dalam hal musik? atau malah curhat-curhat sampah menyampah yang ga penting????

hahaha... tapi kayaknya dibuka sama yang ringan ringan dulu lah... gw akan menceritakan bagaimana sebuah arus KPOP bisa menjadi sebuah instrusive system dalam kehidupan gw akhir-akhir ini ....
so in the next post i'll tell you about that...

So glad to be back... :)